8 Ways To Be A Friend Like The Friends Paul Had

Paul had many types of relationships in his ministry. In these relationships, there are many lessons to be learned. Paul gives us insight into his ministry relationships by what he said about the different people whom he encountered. Paul’s relationships fell into several categories.  By studying Paul’s relationships, we can find that his ministry relationships […]

Are You Lacking In Spiritual Discernment?

It is amazing to watch the process of learning through which a child goes. Often, children are too young to discern between that which is good and that which is bad. They will pick up dirt and eat it. They will play in the toilet. They will run out into the street without looking twice. […]

Life Changes Suddenly

  Some today could testify to this, and you could say this is true. Things can be moving along and an instant life can change. Then on the other side of that coin, we need to be reminded that our hope and our anchor needs to be the Lord Jesus Christ. If you put your […]

Don’t Wait on God to Do What You Know to Do

Imagine having everything we need already provided but refusing to take possession of it. There are many things in our lives that God has already given or promised to us. These promises are sure. For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us. […]

How America Can Return To God

How America Can Return To God - Pastor Greg Neal

There is no doubt that our country has wandered away from the principles upon which it was founded. There are three basic ways this has happened. We have denied the Lord. America was founded upon Christian principles. However, like the Israelites in Judges 1, our nation has turned against the God who blessed us. Christ […]

Satan Cannot Win, But We Can Lose

Why does Satan want to destroy Christians? Why does he want to destroy churches? Why does he want to destroy pastors? Why does he want to destroy ministries? Why does he want to destroy families? Satan hates the One he knows he cannot defeat. He hates God. He hates Jesus Christ. Knowing he cannot win […]