The Injustice of Internet Justice

Let’s make something very clear. God requires justice. Micah 6:8 says, “He hath shewed thee, O man, what [is] good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” Let me take it a step further. God hates injustice as we […]

A Social Media Purge

John recently decided to go through and clean out some of his friends and followers on social media. He had noticed that his spirit has been a bit negative and even critical in recent days. He wondered if perhaps social media was having too much influence on his spirit. What could it hurt if he […]

Is Florida the Next California?

I was born in the great state of Georgia and moved with my family to Florida when I was six years old. I grew up and now reside in the Sunshine State of Florida. Other than my time away at college I have spent my entire life minus a few early years as a Floridian […]

The Day God Healed Amanda

“God please heal Amanda,” I prayed as I had done countless times before. Like a beggar, I came before God asking for his mercy in healing our daughter. It was August 14, 2001. For eight trying months, we had fasted, prayed, begged, and wept, seeking God’s favor in healing our sweet daughter. Time and time […]

I Am Greg Neal

Welcome to my blog. Much thought and prayer went into the decision to launch this endeavor. I have been encouraged by friends to share more of my thoughts on a regular basis. I have been dissuaded by my own fears not to put myself out there for the criticism that certainly will follow when you […]