6 Things To Always Rejoice In

6 Things To Always Rejoice In

The Bible clearly tells us to rejoice always and, in all things, and that would include in the work of the ministry. Some Christians fail to show forth the attitude of happiness for all of the things that God has done for them. Many walk around with sour faces, sour hearts, and sour attitudes that […]

7 Things You Lack Without Spiritual Discernment

But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. ~ Hebrews 5:14 DISCERNMENT, n. The act of discerning; also, the power or faculty of the mind, by which it distinguishes one thing from another, as truth […]

Be Vigilant

Satan is the enemy, but this is not a fleshly war; it is a spiritual war. It cannot be won by man-made methods. None of us in ourselves are capable of defeating this enemy. However, we must know the enemy, respect his ability, and recognize how dangerous he is. The Bible portrays him for what […]

The Key To Dealing With Worry

Psalm 37:1-7, 34 Am I the only one who frets? You know what I mean—worry, stew, panic, anticipate, dread. Those are all variations of the idea of fretting. In Psalm 37:1 David said, Fret Not…! Easy for him to say, or was it? No, David had experienced panic, fear, worry, stress, and challenges many, many […]

Waiting Is Often A Part of God’s Plan

The story in Genesis 18:1-15 is very interesting, and one that can be a great deal of fun to teach. God had promised a son to Abraham, but Sarah was not able to have children. Abraham listened to Sarah and made a mistake in allowing himself to have a son through an Egyptian handmaid named […]

Increasing Your Faith With God’s Help

Increasing Your Faith With God's Help

All of us have a different measure of faith, but we are also able to increase that faith with God’s help. No one has perfect faith. We all have some doubt mingled with our faith, but it is possible to increase the amount of faith we have. More faith is requested when we hope for […]