Perious Times Have Come

by Pastor Greg Neal

Learn to discern what is Biblical and unbiblical in today’s churches

About This Book

The Apostle Paul warned us of a time when deceivers and vain men would take over God’s church. There is no time that better fits his descriptions that the world we are living in today. In this society where trends often dictate church decisions, how can we determine what is true?

Perilous Times Have Come is an in-depth verse-by-verse study of II Timothy 3 that helps you identify the perilous times that have arrived in our own society. With numerous examples and comparative context, the author guides you through each warning from the Apostle Paul as a call to action in your own spiritual discernment.

In this book you will:

  • Gain insights into spiritual and doctrinal challenges facing modern churches
  • Learn to use Biblical discernment in navigating the complexities of contemporary churches
  • Find strategies for maintaining spiritual integrity and resisting doctrinal errors

Examine the world around you through the lens of Scripture with this cautionary narrative that helps you measure modern church philosophies against the truth of God’s Word.

Author: Greg Neal | Pages: 182 | Chapters: 83 | Format: Paperback


Chapter Titles

  1. Perilous Times Have Come
  2. For Men Shall Be
  3. Lovers of Their Own Selves
  4. Covetous
  5. Boasters
  6. Proud
  7. Blasphemers
  8. Disobedient to Parents
  9. Unthankful
  10. Unholy
  11. Without Natural Affection
  12. Trucebreakers
  13. False Accusers
  14. Incontinent
  15. Fierce
  16. Despisers of Those That Are Good
  17. Traitors
  18. Heady
  19. Highminded
  20. Lovers of Pleasures More Than Lovers of God
  21. Having a Form of Godliness, But Denying the Power Thereof
  22. From Such Turn Away
  23. Lot, and the Perilous Times in Sodom
  24. For What Fellowship Hath Righteousness With Unrighteousness?
  25. What Communion Hath Light with Darkness?
  26. And What Concord Hath Christ with Belial?
  27. What Part Hath He That Believeth with an Infidel?
  28. And What Agreement Hath the Temple of God with Idols?
  29. For Ye Are the Temple of the Living God
  30. As God Hath Said, I Will Dwell in Them
  31. And Walk in Them
  32. And I Will Be Their God
  33. And They Shall Be My People
  34. Wherefore Come Out from Among Them
  35. And Be Ye Separate, Saith the Lord
  36. And Touch Not the Unclean Thing
  37. I Will Receive You
  38. And Will Be a Father unto You
  39. And Ye Shall Be My Sons and Daughters, Saith the Lord Almighty
  40. Having Therefore These Promises, Dearly Beloved
  41. Let Us Cleanse Ourselves from All Filthiness of the Flesh and Spirit
  42. Perfecting Holiness in the Fear of God
  43. For of This Sort Are They Which Creep into Houses
  44. Lead Captive Silly Women
  45. Never Able to Come to the Knowledge of the Truth
  46. Now As Jannes and Jambres Withstood Moses
  47. So Do These Also Resist the Truth
  48. Men of Corrupt Minds
  49. Reprobate Concerning the Faith
  50. But They Shall Proceed No Further
  51. For Their Folly Shall Be Manifest unto All Men, As Theirs Also Was
  52. Yea, and All That Will Live Godly in Christ Jesus Shall Suffer Persecution
  53. But Evil Men and Seducers Shall Wax Worse and Worse
  54. Deceiving, and Being Deceived
  55. Surviving Perilous Times
  56. Instructions for Perilous Times
  57. But Thou Hast Fully Known
  58. Charity Suffereth Long
  59. And Is Kind
  60. Charity Envieth Not
  61. Charity Vaunteth Not Itself
  62. Is Not Puffed Up
  63. Doth Not Behave Itself Unseemly
  64. Seeketh Not Her Own
  65. Is Not Easily Provoked
  66. Thinketh No Evil
  67. Rejoiceth Not in Iniquity, but Rejoiceth in the Truth
  68. Beareth All Things
  69. Believeth All Things
  70. Hopeth All Things
  71. Endureth All Things
  72. Charity Never Faileth
  73. Continue in the Things You Have Learned
  74. I Charge Thee
  75. Preach the Word
  76. Be Instant in Season, out of Season
  77. For the Time Will Come When
  78. They Will Not Endure Sound Doctrine
  79. But After Their Own Lusts Shall They Heap to Themselves Teachers
  80. Having Itching Ears
  81. And They Shall Turn away Their Ears from the Truth
  82. And Shall Be Turned unto Fables
  83. But Watch Thou in All Things