An Angel Among Us - Pastor Greg Neal

An Angel Among Us

by Pastor Greg Neal

This book shares the many lessons God used Amanda to teach me

About This Book

An Angel Among Us is the story of my daughter, Amanda Christine Neal. This book tells of the many struggles that she faced in her brief life. In spite of her struggles, Amanda had the ability to capture hearts. Doctors and nurses fell in love with her as did everyone who came in contact with her. Even though it broke my heart to watch her suffer from sickness, I loved spending time with Amanda. This book shares the many lessons God used Amanda to teach me.

Amanda made a difference in many lives. Many people including doctors and nurses have stated that they were so glad that they got to know her. I wish everyone could have known her. It is my goal that through this book you might get to know her and that you might be able to learn something from her. I mentioned at Amanda’s funeral that she touched more lives in her eight and a half months than some people do in a long lifetime. It is my sincere prayer that through this book she might touch your life also.


Author: Greg Neal  | Pages: 125 | Chapters: 23 | Format: Paperback

Chapter Titles

  1. A Troubled Start
  2. A Short Stay
  3. “Don’t Take My Baby!”
  4. The Intensive Care Unit
  5. “I Need Help!”
  6. Code Blue
  7. The True Meaning Of Christmas
  8. Some Good News
  9. An Unexpected Valley
  10. Happy Birthday
  11. Bad News
  12. “How Do You Make It Without God?’
  13. Church Dedication Night
  14. “His Grace’
  15. No More Shots
  16. Surgery
  17. A Special Place of Prayer
  18. Daily Care
  19. A Simple Smile
  20. The Last Trip
  21. Getting Ready to Go Home
  22. Amanda’s Homegoing
  23. Angels Belong In Heaven